Paintings, much like individuals, possess a unique energy that resonates with their viewers and evolve over time. Each artwork carries with it a life cycle, reflecting not only the artist's intentions but also the emotional or cultural context in which it was created. As seasons change and experiences accumulate, these artworks can take on new meanings and interpretations, much like how a person matures and transforms through various life stages. Quite often, I find myself revisiting and re-painting old pieces of mine as time progresses, if they are still in my possession. This practice is not merely a form of artistic renewal; it is rooted in my personal journey. As I evolve, my perceptions shift, and I begin to see my earlier works through a different lens. What once seemed vibrant may now feel subdued, or a color palette that felt harmonious may now appear discordant. This transformation allows me to infuse my older creations with fresh energy and insight, breathing new life into them. In this way, my paintings become a living testament to my journey and the passage of time, illustrating how both the artist and the artwork are inextricably linked in their development.
Please see videos below demonstrating this layered process.